Since the inception of the Empire Earth series, gamers have taken on the task of becoming the greatest conqueror of all time by creating, building, and leading a civilization to transcend the ages. From the discovery of fire to the technological frontiers of the future, Empire Earth 2 will once again serve up worldwide conquest on an epic scale. In the sequel to's 2001 "PC Game of the Year," gamers will take control of a fledgling civilization and strive to forge the greatest of all empires.
Empire Earth 2 builds upon the success of its predecessor by adding unique units, powers, leaders, and inherent bonuses to all of the game's 14 different civilizations. Cities, territories, and borders in Empire Earth 2, often treated as "eye candy" in other real-time strategy games, will factor into game play and be treated as tradable resources much like they are in the real world. The game's artificial intelligence will be more reactive, dynamic, and variable than its predecessor's, able to adapt to human opponents in ways that are more engaging for the player. And, for the first time in the Empire Earth series, ambient weather and seasons like fog and snowfall will affect game play, forcing players to adapt their strategies to the changing environment.
Empire Earth 2's multiplayer features will be no less revolutionary. The game's new Crown System will provide temporary, but potent, rewards for players who demonstrate excellent military, economic, imperialistic, or cultural ability. A war planning screen will help teammates coordinate their efforts by allowing them to use a map of the world to diagram troop movements. Multiplayer competition will feature nine different game types, including new additions to the series such as "Hot Spots," which forces gamers to capture and hold positions of strategic importance. Lastly, Empire Earth 2 will include popular player-requested features like recorded games, improved tournament support, multiplayer co-operative scenarios, and advanced statistics reporting. |
- Battle for the Ages – Relive more than 10,000 years of history as you lead one of 14 different civilizations spanning 3 distinct campaigns that feature all-new units, powers and leaders under your control.
Advanced Opposition – Challenge an all-new reactive and dynamic artificial intelligence system that will adapt to your every move and test the limits of your strategic warfare knowledge.
Enhanced Environmental Realism – Adapt to ever-changing weather conditions and constantly revolving seasons that will impact your civilization's growth and necessitate new tactical initiatives.
Revolutionary Multiplayer – Engage your opponents over a LAN or the internet within nine types of games featuring improved tournament support, multiplayer co-operative scenarios and all-new features including a new reward system for demonstrating superior military, economic, and empire-expanding strategies and a tactical planning map to coordinate efforts with your team.
Improved Management Systems – Simplify your resource management with an advanced Picture-in-Picture (PIP) system that will allow you to maintain distinct control over various regions of your civilization in real-time. That, along with the all-new citizen manager system and revamped research system, will alleviate the need to micro-manage your civilization during the heat of battle.