Guilty Gear Isuka, the newest title in the acclaimed Guilty Gear series, is a revolutionary step forward in 2D fighting. The sequel delves deeper into the Guilty Gear universe, where a mysterious form of energy dubbed “Magic” is used to create biological weapons known as “Gears”. Guilty Gear Isuka revives the fight tournament meant to contain the Gears while finding humans skilled enough to fight them. Series trademarks such as a precise fight system, incredibly fast game play, brilliant character design and killer graphics return. But Guilty Gear Isuka promises to topple its predecessor, Guilty Gear X2, with revolutionary upgrades that include 4-player simultaneous fighting and the ability to acquire custom fight combos.
Guilty Gear Isuka adds new characters to a full roster of returning fighters, all-new backgrounds and multiple new modes of play. In addition to 4-player, the game introduces an exciting side-scrolling single-player game in Boost mode, and offers a significantly enhanced Training mode for players to quickly master fighting with up to four players. |