
Spider-Man 2 Info for PlayStation 2 (PS2) |
Game Description: |
This Time. There Is Nowhere You Can't Go.
Two years have passed since Peter Parker first hit the streets of New York City as the conflicted crime-fighter Spider-Man. Now he finds himself battling his most diabolical villain yet, the mechanized, multi-tentacled Doc Ock. The nefarious Doc Ock was once Dr. Otto Octavius, a brilliant nuclear physicist. But a freak accident transformed him from a timid researcher to a criminally insane megalomaniac who blames Spider-Man for his horrible transformation. Now the scientist Peter once idolized for his remarkable intellect has marked our web-slinger for death.
Experience total freedom as you soar through the concrete canyons of a living, breathing Manhattan, complete with familiar landmarks and bustling, traffic-clogged streets. True non-linear gameplay means you can web-swing wherever you like, whenever you like, exploring the vast metropolis and reliving scenes from the Spider-Man 2 movie. Combat petty thugs and aid NYC citizens in challenging side-quests, or pursue the lunatic Doc Ock and other classic Spider-Man rivals. The decision is yours.
Take Manhattan for a spin in Spider-Man 2. |
Key Features: |
- The Living City - Immerse yourself in a vivid, geographically accurate rendition of the Manhattan metropolis, populated with a neverending stream of pedestrians and motorist going about their lives as you swing through the air above them. If you can see it, you can stick to it. Swing from lampposts, spires, and penthouse balconies--even hang from helicopters. Swing seamlessly from uptown to downtown, from the East River to the Hudson.
- Nonlinear Gameplay - The Big Apple opens up like never before. Experience total freedom as you battle Doc Ock and other classic villains from blacktop to rooftop. A flexible mission structure means you choose where you want to go and which tasks to complete. Follow the storyline and pursue the evil Doc, or tackle a challenging side-quest. The decision is yours.
- Random Encounters - What would New York City be without a thriving population of thieves, thugs, and small-time hoods? Petty crime is everywhere in Manhattan, and as Spider-Man, it's your responsibility to kick some criminal butt. Every crook you clobber and every citizen you aid increases our webslinger's Hero Rating, allowing you to upgrade your abilities and attacks.
- Power-Ups - Each time you foil a petty crime in progress, you'll earn Hero Points. Spend them at any of the Upgrade Stores on the island to upgrade your attacks and web abilities. Drop into the local arcade where you'll find a number of games that help you perfect your combat skills.
- Relive the Film - Face off against the maniacal Doc Ock and his goons in encounters ripped straight from the Spider-Man 2 movie. Visit familiar locales like the Statue of Liberty and the Daily Bugle offices. If you saw it in the film, you can web-swing to it in the game.
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